Voting for the National Fenestration Awards 2013

Voting in the 2013 awards is important.

NFA Awards 2013They don’t change the world, just like the Oscars don’t change the world. But it is important within any industry to reward those who have excelled and done particularly well in their field over the past year.  Customers also take notice of businesses that have been recognised for achievement in their field.

Any recognition of effort is to be welcomed.  Additionally, awards have to be regarded as fair, transparent and open to all sectors that they claim to represent.  People within our industry have at times raised questions about other award schemes, particularly the lack of representation from all sectors and the smaller or less well-known Companies.

This is exactly the reason why it is important to register and vote!

The National Fenestration Awards are the industry’s first national awards where the winners are decided entirely by the people who work within it. There are no judging panels, just honest votes from people who feel passionately about the industry.

The shortlists for the wide range of awards up for grabs in the National Fenestration Awards will be made up completely from your nominations!

The more nominations, the better the chance you or your company has of making the final shortlists. If you feel passionately enough, you’ll get promoted and give people a good enough reason to nominate then vote for you!

All you have to do is register to be able to vote. It’s that simple. Have your say and let the industry choose it’s nominees and winners.

How Voting Works

Here is a quick guide to how the National Fenestration Awards voting system works:

To be able to vote, you must first register on this website. Simply enter your email address, first name, and last name then tell us how you want your confirmation email to be sent to you.

After confirming the registration, you will be eligible to nominate and subsequently vote for each category as they go live each week over the next 12 weeks.

The first round of voting will be to place your nominations. The more nominations you or your company receive, the greater the chance of making the shortlists.

Shortlists will be made up of the top 5 nominated companies in that award category. For the individual awards, those shortlisted will also have links to their own profile page on the website with a biography and description as to why they should win that award. This website will give individuals and businesses a facility to promote themselves and tell the industry why they should give you their vote. The better you make your case, the better the chance you have of getting votes.

We are allowing plenty of time for nominations to be made. Closing dates for nominations won’t be until much later this year.  Once all nominations are in, counting for the shortlists will begin. Once completed, the shortlists will be live on the site and will run until late Autumn 2013 when voting will close. Once closed, counting of votes will begin where bespoke trophies and awards will be presented to the winners.

During the nominations stage, you will be able to nominate yourself once only.  After that, it is down to those in the industry to nominate you.  If you are lucky enough to make the shortlist by your friends and industry colleagues, you will not be able to vote for yourself.  We operate strict controls of this on this website.

It is here that our wide and diverse industry will truly decide the winners.

The online voting system of the National Fenestration Awards will use the latest technology to ensure the voting system is fair and cannot be abused and will block spot patterned or repetitive voting.

Awards To Raise Standards

As well as the NFA’s being a celebration of our best and brightest, we also want these awards to be something that the industry looks forward to and actually wants to win.

We hope that those unlucky enough to miss out on the gorgeous trophies this year will go on to raise the standards of their products and services even further so that they can be voted winners the next time around. We hope the National Fenestration Awards will actively encourage the industry to do better year after year.

The success of these awards depends on the nominations and the voting process.  Please help us to recognise the achievers by registering to vote, nominating and voting.

Please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form if you would like further information.

Voting in the NFAs 2013
2022-11-29T14:49:26+00:00February 12th, 2013|Categories: News|0 Comments

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