Building Our Skills has teamed up with the Learning Skills Partnership* in an initiative that is intended to attract newcomers into roles in the fenestration industry that go beyond those of the well-known hands-on site-based variety.

Going forwards, Building Our Skills will offer a range of apprenticeships run by the Learning Skills Partnership in the business areas of trade supply, accountancy, customer service, administration and project management. Of particular interest is expected to be the Trade Supplier Apprenticeship, which is ideal for those operating a trade counter. John Ogilvie, Director Building Our Skills explains more:

“I think we would all agree that the growing skills gap in fenestration extends to none site-based roles. The truth is that the industry has not done enough to publicise the fantastic range of career pathways it can offer. What we want to do is offer fenestration industry employers better access to newcomers from all disciplines, offer them learning

programmes, and encourage them